General FAQ for ICO

1. What entity is the issuer of the tokens?

a. Nexium Labs Ltd.

2. What will the fund be used for?

a. Funds are going to be used for product development, operations, and R&D.

3.Schedule of token sale and price of token.

a. Include the table.

4. When and how are the tokens transferred to the investors who participated in the ICO? Who is responsible for this?

a. The tokens will be transferred to the investor as per the vesting schedule given below. Nexium Labs is responsible for transferring the tokens to the investors.

i. Include the table.

5. What kind of proof of ownership of tokens do the investors receive?

a. Investors receive a SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens) at the time of purchase of tokens that they can review and download as a PDF.

6. Can tokens be acquired from somewhere after the ICO?

a. Yes, from any centralized (CEX) or decentralized (DEX) exchanges we partner with to list our Token.

7. Will the tokens become subject to trading somewhere?

a. Yes, on both central and decentralized exchanges.

8. How to create a crypto wallet?

a. Soulverse is currently set up to connect with MetaMask. You can follow the steps below to create a wallet (as a chrome extension or an app in your cell phone).

i. Chrome extension:

1. Download MetaMask. The first thing you'll want to do is visit and click Download.

2. Create your Wallet. Now that you installed MetaMask, you have the browser extension.

3. Backup and Verify Your Secret Backup Phrase. This is a very important step. We recommend you write down the phrase and store it in a safe place rather than take a screenshot or store it in your cell phone.

4. Setup Polygon chain, if it's not already set up

a. Visit ChainList (

b. Search networks for "Polygon" and click Add to MetaMask for Polygon Mainnet (Chain ID 137)

c. Approve prompt to add a new network in your MetaMask extension.

ii. Cell Phone app:

1. Go to the Apple Store or Google Playstore and download the Metamask app.

2. Create a new account

3. Backup and Verify Your Secret Backup Phrase. This is a very important step. We recommend you write down the phrase and store it in a safe place rather than take a screenshot or store it in your cell phone. t

4. Setup Polygon chain, if it's not already set up

a. Visit ChainList (

b. Search networks for "Polygon" and click Add to MetaMask for Polygon Mainnet (Chain ID 137)

c. Approve prompt to add a new network in your MetaMask extension.

9. Which cryptocurrencies can I use to buy SoulCoin ($SouX)?

a. Ethereum (ETH)

b. Matic (ETH)

c. Tether (USDT)

10. What will I receive in return?

a. Based on the phase of the token sale as per the schedule below, you will receive tokens for the amount you invest at the rate indicated.

i. Private sale price of $SoulX till November 13, 2023: $0.029

ii. ICO sale price of $SoulX from Nov 14, 2023 - Mar 2, 2024: $0.10

11. What is the main sale price? (Launch price on DEXs and CEXs)

a. The launch price of $SoulX is $0.20 (Dollar twenty cents)

12. What is the product road map?

13. Which exchanges will the token be listed on?

14. When can you apply a Referral code? A referral can only be used/ applied if the user is buying the tokens for the very first time.

A quick guide to install metamask

We all know that to avail of any service, the very first step is to download the app or the software on which you want to work. Similarly, to work with the MetaMask Chrome extension the users have to download it.
Although the user can download it from the Chrome store but to eliminate the downloading of the existing knock-off version floating around, it is recommended to download the extension from the official page of the wallet.
Downloading from the official website of the wallet will not only remove the chaos from your mind but will also make the process of getting the MetaMask Chrome extension easy.
The steps to download this extension are as follows:
1. Navigate to
2. Scroll down the page, then click on “Install MetaMask for Chrome”
4. On the displayed page, click on “Add to Chrome”
5. Re-confirm the installation by hitting on “Add Extension”
Now, wait for a few minutes to complete the installation process and then open it again to complete the signup journey.
If you are already having an account then tap on “Import Wallet” after clicking on the “Get Started” option. If you are a novice investor, then start by selecting “Create a Wallet”.

Connecting to Polygon

MetaMask is set up for use on Ethereum by default. You will need to connect the Polygon network first.

Connect Manually

1. On mobile, click the hamburger icon in the top left, go to Settings and down to Networks. On the browser, the network selection window is usually in the top right.

Polygon Metamask

On the desktop, simply click the 'Add network' button under the drop-down network menu at the top right corner. Refer to the below screenshot:

Polygon Desktop

2. Click 'Add network'and fill in the following information:

Network Name: Polygon Mainnet
Chain ID: 137
Currency Symbol: : MATIC
Block Explorer URL:

3. Click “Save.”

4. Welcome to Polygon!

Connect Automatically

1. On polygonscan, go to the bottom of the page and click the "Add Polygon Network" button.

2. A MetaMask Notification will appear. Click “Approve” to proceed.

2. A MetaMask Notification will appear. Click “Approve” to proceed.

3. In the network dropdown list, you'll be taken straight to Polygon's Mainnet.

4. Done!

Adding Assets

You will need to manually add Polygon tokens other than MATIC if you want them to appear in the wallet UI. Be aware that tokens that haven't been imported yet can still be sent to your wallet's address:

1. Whether you are on the browser or mobile app, there is a link to “Import Tokens” on the bottom of the screen.

Polygon Mobile

2.You can use the search field to find your token and import it.

3. If you are the hands-on type or the token you are adding is new or exotic, there is the manual way. On the Import Tokens page of the wallet, go to Custom Token.

4. You will need to find the Token Contract Address. The best way is to follow links from the project’s official site to polygonscan and look at the Contract field. You can also use a reputable price source like CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko to look up your token and change the network to Polygon in the Contract section of the description.

Polygon Mobile

5. MetaMask should automatically fill in the rest of the information after you've copied the token's contract address into the form. If it doesn’t, give it a name and the number of digits after the decimal point you want to be displayed (“2” to see “$15.99”) and click Add Custom Token.

6. You should now be able to see the tokens' balance in your wallet. Before you set off traipsing through Polygon wonderland, make sure you have some MATIC tokens on hand to pay for gas.